Hello readers :) So as you may have noticed, this is my blog where I post "poetry of life." You should know a few things first, though: 1. I mainly write in free verse. I find that rhyme often constricts my thoughts- instead, I tend to focus on imagery and symbolism and use paragraph structure, rhythm, and color to further reflect my ideas. 2. I wrote most of these poems a while ago- meaning, I don't really like most of them =P But a writer has got to start somewhere! So bear with me :) 3. I'm too scared to put ALL of my poetry up.. some of it is a bit too personal. So this is simply a preview of me. Thanks for reading! LOVE, Julie

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh bloody...

This called Golden Eyes. It may sound mushy but it was taken directly from a dream I had so blame my subconscious for that :)

Do you remember what it feels like
to climb your highest mountain
to feel like you're soaring on eagles' wings
to be held in someone's arms and wish they would never let

And in this moment
my heart cries out,
all the mountains,
all the riches,
all the glories of the world
will never compare to this.

We're walking on the beach,
soaking up the sun and feeling the cool breeze;
as the waves caress the shore,
I'm certain that this is the most beautiful day I've ever seen.

The words he speaks flow like music
that touches the soul, as he tells me:
"When you look into the sun,
your eyes turn the prettiest shade of gold.
It's like I can see into your heart,
all of your wishes, dreams, and desires come to life,
laid out like a beautiful story;
and with all my heart I ask you
to be a part of that story,
to write each precious page,

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