Hello readers :) So as you may have noticed, this is my blog where I post "poetry of life." You should know a few things first, though: 1. I mainly write in free verse. I find that rhyme often constricts my thoughts- instead, I tend to focus on imagery and symbolism and use paragraph structure, rhythm, and color to further reflect my ideas. 2. I wrote most of these poems a while ago- meaning, I don't really like most of them =P But a writer has got to start somewhere! So bear with me :) 3. I'm too scared to put ALL of my poetry up.. some of it is a bit too personal. So this is simply a preview of me. Thanks for reading! LOVE, Julie

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Time" 3-9-08

So this is the first poem that I took the time (hah! ironic!) to bother writing down. Its the first poem in my poetry journal that I started when I was 16. It is in free verse, like many of my other poems, because I have often found that rhyme constircts my thought process; instead, I add structure and meanig to my poetry by color, the way I frame each stanza/ organize words (often adding to the symbolic meaning), rhythm, etc. Anywho I'll get right to it then, hope you enjoy-  
it slips through my hands like falling rain
like a snowfalke on my tongue it melts away

The end of a sentence
The end of a dream
The end of a beautiful day
They make the tears start F

Will you stop the clock?
Will you stop my tears from falling?

Don't let these moments
d i s a p p e a r
make one day last for
one hundred years

Don't let these moments
pass us by
like a whisper fades,
like the grass withers and dies.

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